Jojoba Oil

Looking for a more natural way to take care of your skin? Jojoba oil might just be what you are looking for!

Jojoba oil in a glass jar.

I remember when I was a little girl my grandma would put cream (lotion) on at all times of the day. She would often tell me to have cream in my purse, cream in the bathroom to use after I got out of the shower and after I washed my hands, and even a special cream for my face. I always thought she was being a little over the top, and maybe she was, but as I have gotten older I have realized the importance of taking care of the skin that you are blessed with for your whole life. After all, your skin is the largest organ of your body and the first protector against anything that could harm you.

That being said, I have wanted a practical, daily skin routine for a while, but it gets overwhelming when all the products at the store are labeled “face moisturizer,” “deep moisturizer,” “hand lotion,” etc. And then, when you flip over the back of the bottle, you find a list of 49 things, 47 of which you’ve never heard. As I searched for something that didn’t cost my entire paycheck and wasn’t filled with chemicals, I started reading about something called Jojoba Oil. This fantastic golden liquid is a serious game changer when it comes to skin and hair care.

Jojoba oil, pronounced “Ho Ho Ba,” is a shrub grown in Southwest America and Mexico. The oil comes from the seed, or bean, of the plant; this is brought about by crushing. Actually, Native Americans have used this oil, or wax, for many years for burns, bruises, sores, hair regeneration, and even an appetite suppressant when food wasn’t available. Jojoba oil is a natural, hypo-allergic hair and skin product that has no adverse effects on humans thus far.

That being said, here are my 4 favorite uses (so far) for Jojoba oil.

Blackhead Removal and Blemish Prevention

Cool science fact: oil dissolves oil. Once a day, take a dime size of straight Jojoba oil and massage into your face for about 30 seconds. Then, leave for about 2 minutes (I usually brush my teeth during this 2 minutes to maximize time). Then take a damp washcloth (use hot water) and put it over your face; this helps with opening your pores a little more. Using the washcloth, I usually scrub a little on the trouble areas, like the nose and chin. Then, rinse your face with warm to hot water to get the excess oil off of your face. After that, splash your face with cold water to close your pores and pat dry with a clean towel. Disclaimer: The first couple weeks you do this, you may notice more breakouts; but be patient, because afterwards your skin should become significantly clearer and smoother.

Body Lotion

Jojoba oil isn’t a heavy oil like coconut oil. And although I love my coconut oil, especially for my baby boy’s skin and breakfast cookies, it often makes my skin feel greasy, if I apply it directly. Jojoba oil, however, seems to dissolve rather quickly. Also, it is very conducive for essential oils, if you choose to add them. Personally, I love mixing a few drops of tea tree oil to about a tablespoon of jojoba oil and rubbing it on my feet, elbows, knees, and, really, anywhere. You can even use a tiny bit on your face for dryness and it shouldn’t break you out. The oil is actually noncomedogenic, which is a big word meaning that it will not clog your pores.

Bruise and Bite Relief

Personally, I have really pale skin. One bad thing about that is that when I bruise, it looks really bad. And since I tend to be clumsy, and my one-year-old seems to somehow give me new bruises every day, I am always covered in them. Jojoba oil really reduces the ugly appearance of the bruises quickly. I just rub it on before bed, and surprisingly it looks better in the morning! Also, it seems to help quite well with inflammation from mosquito bites. You can apply it as often as you would like!

Taming the Flyaways

This stuff is amazing for smoothing those flyaways! Just put a very little dab on your hands (very little so your hair won’t get oily) and lightly comb the area that needs work. It really is amazing. I have also read that this oil will help with hair growth, for those thinning areas, but I haven’t tried that one yet!

I have heard of many other uses for this stuff, but I haven’t been able to try all of them. I would love to hear how you use Jojoba oil, or simply your thoughts on it!